At the physical layer, the heart acts as a pump to two-way for the circulatory system. As such, it is life that gives the governing body that regulates the flow of vital strength throughout the body. Coronary artery disease is the most common cause of death in North America. As reiterated in my previous articles, traditional medicine has a hard time identifying what causes the disease and why some people have them and others do not.
The traditional view:
Traditional medicine or traditional medical practices today, teaches us that every disease is the result of a physical cause. For heart disease, the cause is commonly attributed to factors such as smoking, genetics, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, high alcohol consumption, lack of exercise and stress. Research has shown smoking seems to be the cause of about 36% of the cases and obesity about 20%.
Depending on what is happening at the physical layer, these causes more identifiable because it occurs in a person’s body. Unfortunately, there’s never a solid and reliable, which can be detected by traditional medicine and its counterparts. Why? Because the physical body is not the origin of the disease and illness, and until you have understood the actual source, the confusion remains.
The body has no power to himself:
According to our traditional thinking, we believe that illness and disease are caused by something wrong physically in our bodies. For heart disease, the physical cause is primarily attributed to high and genetics. But these are not the true causes. Why? Because the physical layer, including our bodies, is the level of the effect, not the cause itself. If this is true, and nothing physical is the cause, what is? In a general sense, is the emotional and mental levels, like all things exist in the mind, before becoming a physicists.
Very practically, the physical body can do nothing in and of itself. Has no power to create anything, including sickness, illness and disease. Power comes from being involved and it seems that the physical layer is the effect layer; It has no power to create. The physical body simply reflects the mental. In other words, our physical bodies are not more than a mirror of what is happening within us emotionally and mentally.
The real cause of heart disease:
As unfortunate as it may be, traditional medicine is seeking the causes of illness and disease in the wrong places. Actually, something physical, such as not smoking can cause a physical effect in the form of a disease or illness. In other words, an effect cannot create another effect, only because it can create an effect. With that being so, because there are similar physical actions or symptoms of people who share an illness or a disease? Basically, it’s because they’re trying to find a way to relieve pain and emotional and mental imbalance which take place within them.
Interestingly, the heart is located practically in the center of the body. If a person is centered, are living from the heart in a balanced State of love and trust. A cardiac disorder is the manifestation of the opposite mindset. This person is fighting the power of life to the point of physical and emotional exhaustion. Often the person with heart disease seeking love through what others do. In essence, the disease is an urgent message from your body to change the perception of themselves.
How to cure diabetes:
As I mentioned in my previous articles, this new paradigm of thinking requires us to let go of the belief that illness and disease is an enemy that is not needed. Everything in our lives is an expression of love or a call to love. Disease and illness, in whatever form, is an invitation for us to love ourselves, because we don’t live for love in an area or areas of our lives. Is designed to take us forward in life, don’t take us back or destroy us.
Illness and disease is a message from our body, helps us to be aware of what we are not aware of. The disease is a specific message that do not allow proper flow in your life; If the flow of ideas, love or your life much. To bring healing, you need to tap into a source of love within you by changing the belief that love can only come from others. Give you the love you seek, and will always be there. Start believing that you deserve love and affection from others and that you are just as lovable as everyone else.
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